News Articles: Home

Find and cite quality news articles for your research

In this Guide

This guide is designed to help students find quality news stories and cite them in the appropriate format for their assignment.

Use the tabs above to navigate through the other pages of the guide:

  • Local Sources - Find articles from local newspapers, magazines, and news stations in Portland and in other cities and towns.
  • National Sources - Find national and world news stories from top U.S. news publications and organizations.
  • International Sources - Find news stories from high-quality non-U.S. news publications and organizations.
  • Is My News Trustworthy? - How to make sure the news story you found is from a trustworthy publication.
  • Cite News - Cite the sources you find in MLA or APA format.
  • Get Help - Get help from a librarian 24x7, get support from a tutor, or find a handout or tutorial to help you with your research.

Decorative black and white image of a young girl reading a newspaper
Land on the Moon 7/21/1969 by Jack Weir in the Public Domain in Wikimedia Commons.

What is News Good For?

News sources --

  1. provide timely information on a topic and may be the only source of information on a very recent event (other than social media);
  2. often provide useful background information to help you understand the big picture;
  3. can provide a sense of popular opinion about a certain issue and usually reflect a variety of points of view as journalists try to avoid one-sidedness;
  4. often contain first-hand accounts of people who experienced an event or are impacted by an issue;
  5. are usually written by professional journalists (who are only as credible as the sources they use) and reviewed by an editor.

Sign up for Free New York Times Access through PCC Library

Portland Community College Library is now providing access to the New York Times. This subscription includes:

  • Unlimited access on Includes: articles, multimedia with interactive graphics, videos, photography, and virtual reality found in the NYT App (stories told through enhanced technology), newsletters and podcasts
  • No daily limit to the number of articles you can download
  • Archives (dating back to 1851) (5 PDF article downloads from Times Machine per user per day/100 per month)
  • Spanish and Mandarin Chinese versions of

Click here to create your New York Times account. You'll need to search for Portland Community College and then follow the instructions on the page. 

Click here if you already have a subscription or are looking for more information.

Video from TED: How to Choose Your News

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Quality National / International News

News Databases from PCC Library