News Articles: Local Sources

Find and cite quality news articles for your research

What's here?

The sources below include the websites of Oregon newspapers, news magazines, and TV/radio news stations. Some of these news websites (like The Oregonian) do have paywalls that either limit the number of articles that can be viewed or limit access to specific articles. There are also instructions on how to find local news information if you're researching a place that isn't Portland/Oregon.

To find a news story on your topic: Each website can be searched, so you can search using keywords relevant to your topic. If you need an article from a specific time period, many can be sorted by date or, in some cases, limited to specific date ranges.

Finding Local News Beyond Portland/Oregon

Stories from lot of local newspapers and TV news stations are freely available on the web (though some do have paywalls). You can often find news stories about a particular city or town by doing a basic web search or searching in Google News. If you're looking to follow a specific topic in that local area, you could do a search like Cleveland opioids or Seattle gentrification or San Diego homeless.

Library Database for Local News

Oregonian Access

The web site provides free full-text access to many Oregonian articles from the last few years, and supports fee-based article delivery of all Oregonian articles ($1.95 per article). The Multnomah County Public Library also provides online full text access to the Historical Oregonian (1861-1987) and current Oregonian (1987-present) to all cardholders.

Search the Oregon Newspaper Index which indexes (but does not provide full-text access to) over 845,000 articles in the Oregonian newspaper from 1851-1987. This index is maintained by the University of Oregon.