WR 121: LeFave: Step Two: Search terms & Articles

Research on an Inquiry Question

For this class, you will be incorporating outside sources in your essay writing. Looking for sources involves doing research, but you can think of it more as exploring what others have written or considered important. The idea is to expand the conversation beyond your personal narrative to include other people's thoughts and perspectives in ways that add to and support your own ideas.

1. First, watch the videos below, which describe strategies for generating search terms and demonstrates how to use the PCC Library Search box to find articles. Read the instructions on how to access eBooks through the PCC Library.

2. Next, try your topic in both of the search boxes to the right.

3. Be sure to keep what you like! Use the database tools to email yourself articles and links too books to read closely later. The database provides and will send you the complete MLA citation for the article in the body of the email. Include the URL in your citations.

Videos: Search Terms

Looking for ebooks?

The PCC Library provides access to many ebooks. To find ebooks in the library:

  • Enter a search in the main search box on the library homepage.

  • On the results page, on the left-hand side of the page, find the Format section and check the eBooks box.

  • Click the Apply Filters button. 

  • To access an ebook, click the Online Access link under the title information.


Screenshot of the catalog showing the eBook check box under Format to limit the search to eBooks.

Find various viewpoints

Find Books, Articles, DVDs, and more

Find Articles with EBSCO

Find articles in this search of Academic Search Premier and MasterFILE Premier

Find Articles with Google Scholar

Before searching, be sure to set PCC as your library in your browser by:

  1. Visiting the link to set "Library Links" settings for Google Scholar
  2. using the search box to search for "Portland Community College",
  3. checking the check box that appears underneath the search to select “Portland Community College – Find it @ PCC”, 
  4. and then selecting the Save button.

This will ensure that when you search Google Scholar in your browser, you will see Find It @ PCC links to full text if we have the article (Google Scholar sometimes also provides links to other free sources for full text).

You can learn more about setting Google Scholar preferences on the PCC Library Website

Video: What are Library Databases and Why do you Need Them?