OER - Open Educational Resources: Adopt
This guide is designed to help PCC faculty find, create and incorporate open educational resources for classes.
PCC Adoption Steps
- Consider possible sources of funding for your efforts @PCC.
- Submit your adoption to the Open Oregon Educational resources page.
- Notify the person who builds your courses in Banner (usually your instructional administrative assistant) to mark your course as $0 cost or >$40 in the online schedule. See "schedule designation."
- Work with the print shop and bookstore to offer optional printed copies of your open materials. See "Print Copies of Open Resources" below.
- Contact Accessible Ed & Disability Resources to request an an accessibility evaluation of the materials or to request technical assistance. You can call 971-722-TECH (971-722-8324) or email access-tech-group@pcc.edu
- Consider notifying your SAC chairs as well as your division deans.
- Talk to your colleagues about your OER experiences. Consider presenting to your SAC.
Print Copies of Open Resources
Currently, PCC is set up to offer printed copies of open resources as course packets, but since these items are flexibly copyrighted, students do not pay for royalties- only production costs.
New! Immediate opportunities to participate in funded OER work in the 2023-2024 academic year includes requesting print copies of OER texts for instructor review or classroom sets. Submit the Print OER Interest Form if you are interested.
- Email the Print Center to request a file number at printcen@pcc.edu
- Submit your OER adoption to the PCC Bookstore through the normal adoption process.
Follow the instructions on the "Faculty" section of the Bookstore website. Any questions about this part of the process can be directed to Sara Bachenberg, Buyer, College Bookstore Operations. sara.bachenberg@pcc.edu, 971-722-4313. - Place an online order with the Print Center to submit your content. Any questions regarding this part of the process can be directed to Angie Bulsiewicz, Print Center
Production Scheduler, angela.hooper@pcc.edu, 971-722-4670. - Students go to the bookstore to buy the printed copy. The cost to students will be print shop costs plus ~23% bookstore markup.
- As soon as you can message enrolled students, let them know that they have free online access to your text and that they can choose to print segments out. The complete, printed copy in the bookstore is an optional purchase.