Accessible Ed & Disability Resources: Disability Statistics

Professional Development, Training, and Awareness Building Opportunities

PCC Disability Data Sources

PCC Reports 

This document titled AEDR DATA 2022 highlights benchmark, GPA, retention, and demographic data for students connected with Accessible Ed & Disability Resource between 2018 and 2022. 

In Fall 2021, PCC surveyed students with questions about experiences - this Disability Services Pulse Survey demonstrated high rates of satisfaction. 

Annual Program and Discipline Update Data from Fall 2020 provides outcomes for students with disabilities in high enrollment courses. 

The Fall 2019 Hope Center #RealCollegeSurvey Report indicated higher rates of food insecurity, housing insecurity, and homelessness for students who indicated they experienced disability. 

This presentation titled "Understanding Disability: Focus on PCC Data" was developed in August 2019. It includes information related to both student and employee experiences.

Doctoral research focused on disability disclosure, accommodation use, and academic success for students enrolled in PCC courses between Fall 2014 and Fall 2018.

This presentation titled "Addressing barriers to completion through learning evaluations" was developed and shared at the Student Success and Retention Conference in February 2018.

Disability Services provided a 2016 update on Disability Statistics to Shift Practice that speaks to disclosure and usage rates but also retention rates, grade distributions, and results from student satisfaction surveys and campus climate assessments. 

The 2015 Disability Services Program Review provides a robust review of the work that Disability Services engaged in over the prior decade plus - with a focus on the growth and change since the college brought the area under the direction of district-wide leadership. Data painted a picture of the population of students leveraging services as well as the shifts in usage rates over time. 


Data on Inclusive Practices

Inclusive Design Research Centre  

The Inclusive Design Research Centre from Ontario "leads and partners in collaborative, multi-sector, applied research networks that proactively prevent barriers and promote greater inclusion." Some of the really great resources include:

Standalone Studies of Interest

National Research Study conducted by 3Play Media and Oregon State University on Student Uses and Perceptions of Closed Captions and Transcripts confirms benefits for many students, not just those who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. 

Kutscher, E. L., & Tuckwiller, E. D. (2019). Persistence in higher education for students with disabilities: A mixed systematic review. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 12(2), 136–155.

Disability Statistics Sources

National Disability Data Sources

The National Center on Education Statistics provides Fast Facts with the percentage of students enrolled in postsecondary institutions by level, disability status, and other characteristics.

The Annual Disability Statistic Compendium is a product of the Disability Statistics and Demographics Rehabilitation and Research Training Center (StatsRRTC) which is funded by the U.S. Department of Education, National Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research under a cooperative agreement from 2018-2023.  

The US Census Bureau offers a variety of data tables and reports related to disability. Beyond the predefined reports there are some very powerful tools that allow the data to be explored through an interface that lets users filter by topics of interest, geography, and other parameters, then further customize tables and download the data.

Cornell Disability Statistics offers a user-friendly page to apply filters to disability related data sets.

Oregon Specific Data Sources

The Oregon Disability Health Data and Statistics site offers a map of Oregon with disability prevalence by county. 

The Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission Research site offers options to filter by demographics but not by disability.