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- ESOL 260 Krause Summer 2022
- Find Books and eBooks
ESOL 260 Krause Summer 2022: Find Books and eBooks
Find Books, Articles, DVDs, and more
Getting a Book or eBook From PCC Library
- Enter a search word(s) in the PCC Library search box.
- If you would prefer an eBook, use the "Format" menu on the left side of the results page, and put a checkmark next to "eBook".
- If the book you want is a print book, and has a linked message starting with Available at..., and the book is available on your home campus, write down the location and call number.
- If the book is available from another campus, click on the "Request item" button in the "Get It" section, (NOTE: You will need to login with your MyPCC username and password after clicking the blue "Sign in" button to see the "Request item" button), and specify the campus to which you'd like the book to be sent.
- If a print book is not available from PCC, you can order it from Summit using the "Request from another Summit library (about 5 days)" button (located in the "Get It" section); and if not available from Summit, request it through Interlibrary Loan.
Video: How to search for books at PCC Library
Learn how to use Portland Community College Library's search to find books and other items at PCC Library.