Course Specific Research Support for WR 122Z: Home

The purpose of this page is to link curriculum requirements, for developmentally-appropriate and discipline-specific research skills, to matching library instruction and information literacy support outcomes

Composition II course outcomes related to research skills:

Other indicators of required research or information seeking:

From the Outcome and Assessment Strategies:


  • Formulate a question that can be researched using academic methods.

  • Find and analyze compelling and relevant information.

  • Think critically about and evaluate complex information sources.

  • Identify a conversation through research.


  • Articulate and reflect on their own reading process.

  • Articulate and reflect on their own search process.

From the Course Activities and Design:

  • Independent research

  • Library Research session with a librarian

Bridging competencies to support research and information seeking at this level:

  • Topic definition (encompassing, narrowing, identifying related aspects)
  • Metacognition of search strategies
  • Ability to identify bias
  • Ability to identify perspective
  • Understand how the publication cycle typically works

Corresponding research and information seeking outcomes for WR 122

1. Develop a thesis, identify a claim

2. Pursue in-depth research project

3. Select database(s) appropriate to topic

4. Locate evidence to support claim from various types of sources

5. Devise effective search strategies using advanced search techniques

6. Evaluate sources

7. Attribute sources properly

8. Gather elements for citations and revise them to proper MLA format

Librarian Instructional Objectives:

1. Use question analysis to determine whether the chosen question is “researchable”. 

2. Identify potential information providers for topic(s)

3. Select useful database(s) 

4. Use various search interfaces

5. Locate evidence (statistics, research studies, interviews, investigations, government documents) 

6. Locate peer-reviewed sources

7. Use boolean logic; controlled vocabulary (thesauri, subject headings, nomenclature and jargon); search limiters; search command language

8. Identify reliable indicators of authority as well as ideological framing​

9. Generate citations from the online catalog, databases, electronic reference tools.

10. Identify indicators of source type.

11. Track quote and paraphrase origins.

12. Gather elements to create citations when necessary

Placement of courses on an Information Literacy Continuum

Courses Instructional Stages Student's Developmental Stage


Connecting to 

1. I know where the library is located and about some of the services provided.


WR 90

Information Seeking

2. I can identify a topic, and identify useful information sources to read about it.

WR 115

Literacy Skills

3. I can develop a topic statement, locate and use library sources, and begin  informational research.


WR 121Z


Academic or Career/
Technical Related

4. I evaluate the sources I have found for relevancy to my field, and I know who some of the experts are.

WR 122Z
WR 122HZ
WR 227Z
Inquiry and Exploration for

5. I can identify pro- and con-positions on a topic. I can identify the perspectives of various experts in a field.

WR 123
WR 222
Discipline- or Area
of Study Specific

6. I can support my position on an issue with evidence. I can accurately summarize the scholarly or professional conversation.


Writing courses with outcomes related to research and information seeking

Librarian Liaison to the Writing SAC (Subject Area Committee)

Contact: Alan Cordle,  Librarian at the Cascade campus

Librarian subject collectors for: Writing

Campus Librarians, supporting Writing-related subjects research

For information about this page:

To update Course outcomes, contact: Pam Kessinger