Course Specific Research Support for SOC 219: Home

The purpose of this page is to link curriculum requirements, for developmentally-appropriate and discipline-specific research skills, to matching library instruction and information literacy support outcomes

Introduction to Sociology of Religion course outcomes related to research skills:

Other indicators of required research or information seeking:


Bridging competencies to support research and information seeking at this level:

  • Select a topic area to try initial searches through the internet or library sources
  • Navigate to library website to set up search strategy for library sources
  • Identify the container of the information to identify the type of information source

Corresponding research and information seeking outcomes for SOC 219

  1. Explore the impact and role of religion from sociological perspectives in order to develop a research question.
  2. Locate and use sources of sociological research from discipline specific and inter-disciplinary journals
  3. Capture generated source citations or gather elements for attribution in APA format

Librarian Instructional Objectives:

  • Locate and use background information to identify the various dimensions of a topic area, in order to refine a researchable question
  • Identify relevant library databases to search for discipline specific sources
  • Identify providers of professional level information sources relevant to the topic
  • Identify author, including corporate authors, full date of publication, title of source, and producer (URL if relevant), inclusive page numbers (and DOI and volume/issue numbers if relevant) for citations for sources used

Placement of courses on an Information Literacy Continuum

Courses Instructional Stages Student's Developmental Stage


Connecting to 

1. I know where the library is located and about some of the services provided.



Information Seeking

2. I can identify a topic, and identify useful information sources to read about it.

SOC 204
SOC 205
SOC 206
SOC 211
SOC 213
SOC 215
SOC 219
SOC 228
SOC 234

Literacy Skills

3. I can develop a topic statement, locate and use library sources, and begin  informational research.

SOC 218
SOC 221
SOC 230
SOC 231
SOC 232




Academic or Career/
Technical Related

4. I evaluate the sources I have found for relevancy to my field, and I know who some of the experts are.

Inquiry and Exploration for

5. I can identify pro- and con-positions on a topic. I can identify the perspectives of various experts in a field.

Discipline- or Area
of Study Specific

6. I can support my position on an issue with evidence. I can accurately summarize the scholarly or professional conversation.


Librarian Liaison to the Sociology SAC (Subject Area Committee)

For information about this page:

To update Course outcomes, contact: Pam Kessinger