Course Specific Research Support for PS 221: Home

The purpose of this page is to link curriculum requirements, for developmentally-appropriate and discipline-specific research skills, to matching library instruction and information literacy support outcomes

Cross-Listed Course

PS 221 is cross-listed with EC 221 and SOC 221.  

Globalization and International Relations course outcomes related to research skills:

Other indicators of required research or information seeking:

From the Outcome and Assessment Strategies:

Different techniques may be used for assessment which will be determined by the individual instructor. They may include:

  • Written assignments such as papers, reports, reviews, journals, or other exercises that demonstrate a critical capacity to evaluate information relating to this course
  • Individual or group projects where students identify resources that provide information and utilize these resources to evaluate policies reflecting conflicting beliefs, goals, and strategies.
  • Research projects using standard research techniques, acceptable formats, and specified rating criteria

Bridging competencies to support research and information seeking at this level:

  • Use background information sources for understanding history and dimensions of topics
  • Understand that synthesis of concepts from multiple sources is necessary
  • Navigate to library website for access to full text materials often unavailable through the web

Corresponding research and information seeking outcomes for PS 221

1. Evaluate information sources for authority, currency, reliability, bias, sound reasoning and validity of evidence

2. Identify diction and rhetorical terms used for point of view

3. Use the professional literature of the discipline

4. Locate generated source citations or gather elements for citations


Librarian Instructional Objectives:

1. Identify key terms, general to specific, to develop an effective search strategy

2. Track searching strategies and revise for relevant results

3. Use subject headings and classification or other controlled vocabularies to identify useful books and articles

4. Use library databases to locate published articles both in magazines and peer-reviewed journals

5. Collect generated citations or gather elements for citations

6. Identify indicators of authority and reliability in sources


Placement of courses on an Information Literacy Continuum

Courses Instructional Stages Student's Developmental Stage


Connecting to 

1. I know where the library is located and about some of the services provided.



Information Seeking

2. I can identify a topic, and identify useful information sources to read about it.


Literacy Skills

3. I can develop a topic statement, locate and use library sources, and begin  informational research.



PS 221
PS 241
PS 242

Academic or Career/
Technical Related

4. I evaluate the sources I have found for relevancy to my field, and I know who some of the experts are.

Inquiry and Exploration for

5. I can identify pro- and con-positions on a topic. I can identify the perspectives of various experts in a field.

Discipline- or Area
of Study Specific

6. I can support my position on an issue with evidence. I can accurately summarize the scholarly or professional conversation.


Librarian Liaison to the Political Science SAC (Subject Area Committee)

Contact: Veronica Vichit-Vadakan, Librarian at the Cascade campus

Librarian Liaison to the Economics SAC (Subject Area Committee)

Contact: Veronica Vichit-Vadakan,  Librarian at the Cascade campus

Political Science courses with outcomes related to research and information seeking

For information about this page:

To update Course outcomes, contact: Pam Kessinger