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Guide that accompanies community based learning project on carbon offsets
Researching carbon offsets
This guide provides resources which may be useful in completing your Community Based Learning project. This project involves investigating the science behind carbon offsets, and how well it stands up to scrutiny. See the full assignment.
Use the tabs on this guide to find information about
- reliable online sources of science information
- published research in PCC Library databases
- PCC's Climate Action Plan
- citing sources
- getting help from librarians, tutors and more
If you are new to the topic of carbon offsets, start here
Climate Anxiety
Does the topic of climate change make you feel anxious. You are not alone! See the library's Climate Anxiety guide.
Chat with a Librarian
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Contact your class librarian!
Contact librarian Roberta Richards
- Southeast LIB 206
- 971-722-4962
Roberta's appointment calendar:
- Online Monday aftenoons
- In-person Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons at the Southeast Campus Library