Accessible Ed & Disability Resources: Events

Professional Development, Training, and Awareness Building Opportunities


Getting Connected is about finding engagement points related to accessibility here at PCC. You can have a conversation, or try something new in a hands-on environment, participate in a webinar to get up to speed on a topic you're curious about, or access archives. Contact us if you want to request one of our sessions (or just a general Q and A) for a department, division, or other meeting. 

Get Connected

Professional Development Series

PCC Employees are encouraged to complete the comprehensive training in Cornerstone called Introduction to Accessible Education.

We are also happy to join department meetings, retreats, and in-service events, and can facilitate sessions on a variety of topics such as:

Accessibility 101: Programs and Events

This session will cover accessibility basics for programs and events. Come to learn about making your office, program, or event more accessible for all. This session will be an introduction to concepts related to physical and digital environment accessibility, as well as, covering important information for publications and marketing materials. Faculty, Staff, and Student Groups are encouraged to attend. Accessibility 101 Presentation File, Accessibility 101 Presentation Outline, Checklist for Offices,  Checklist for Furniture, and Checklist for Events

High School Transition

This session includes a presentation, as well as handouts on the difference between K-12 and College, and a FAQ. There are Spanish language versions available in this folder.

Access and Inclusion: A Shared Responsibility

Learn about legal mandates related to accommodating students with documented disabilities and get introduced to the concept of Universal Design to reduce barriers proactively. In addition, the PCC accommodation management system will be described with a focus on electronic notification letters and accommodated test contracts. Here is a ink to the presentation for Access and Inclusion and related handout on What Faculty Need to Know.

Understanding Students on the Spectrum

This session will provide information on positive communication strategies. It begins with an overview of what autism is, using videos to share first-person perspectives, and providing examples of characteristics and challenges, then moves into areas of practical concern including conduct and de-escalation with time for Q and A at the end. Here is a link to the Autism presentation file. 

Understanding Service Animals

This session provides guidance regarding the PCC Policy on Service Animals. Definitions, examples, and etiquette will be discussed along with key concepts related to rights and responsibilities. Here is a link to the Service Animal presentation file as well as a Tips and Frequently Asked Questions handout as well as a related presentation on Service Animal Policing.  

Understanding Disability: stereotypes, biases, and microaggressions

This session touches on models of disability and provides a brief history of how disability has been treated in society. It includes examples of common stereotypes and misconceptions as well as the impact of marginalization. Here is a link to the stereotypes and bias presentation file as well as a handout on microaggressions. 

Accessible Syllabus

This session was offered initially through the PCC  Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence. Here is a link to the slide deck which points toward several resources.

Event and Training Calendar

Can't make it to a scheduled event?

There are also opportunities to access webinar archives, conference session recordings, and other materials. See our page in Spaces for materials from the Association on Higher Education and Disability.