Women's and Gender Studies: Getting Started
e-Videos on Women's & Gender Studies- streaming online!
- Kanopy Streaming Videos This link opens in a new windowStreaming videos organized by subject, for academic research as well as general interest. Contains many genres, from documentaries to movies to training videos. Publishers include BBC, California Newsreel, Criterion Collection, First Run Features, New Day Films, PBS, etc.
Note: Kanopy does not support Windows 7 and Internet Explorer. If you are having trouble viewing Kanopy videos, you may need to upgrade or change your browser. See What Desktop Browsers and Systems are Supported by Kanopy and How to Troubleshoot Browser Issues for additional help. - Academic Video Online (AVON) This link opens in a new windowOver 64,000 scholarly videos in multiple subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film & cinema, health, music and dance, news and current affairs, science, and much more. Programs include documentaries, interviews, performances, news, raw footage, and archival materials. Note: Some video content in Alexander Street Video, such as Sony Classic Pictures content, is protected by DRM (Digital Rights Management) technology. Due to this DRM requirement, certain videos will not play on Apple devices or the Safari browser as they lack the technology required to play protected video.
- Films on Demand This link opens in a new windowThousands of high-resolution streaming videos organized by subject. For academic research as well as general interest, this collection includes archival and newsreel films as well as career and technical videos.
Encyclopedias on Women's Studies
- Encyclopedias for Background Research This link opens in a new windowA selection of online encyclopedias that provides general overviews of topics across many subjects. Start here to get working definitions of key concepts and a big picture view of your topic.
Find Books, Articles, DVDs, and more
Featured Books
- Waking the Witch: Reflections on Women, Magic, and Power byPublication Date: 2019
- Outspoken: Why Women's Voices Get Silenced and How to Set Them Free byPublication Date: 2019
- Dead Blondes and Bad Mothers: Monstrosity, Patriarchy, and the Fear of Female Power byPublication Date: 2019
- Real Queer America: LGBT Stories from Red States byPublication Date: 2019
- Me, Myself, They: Life Beyond the Binary byPublication Date: 2019
- Diagnosis Female: How Medical Bias Endangers Women's Health byPublication Date: 2019
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- Google Scholar This link opens in a new windowGoogle Scholar searches the web for scholarly articles, reports, books, and other materials. If using Google Scholar from a PCC campus, you can access full text articles. If PCC has access to an article, a "Find it @ PCC" link will appear to the right of the search result. Click “Find it @ PCC” to go to the library catalog where you will be offered a choice to view the article. From home, you will need to set your Google Scholar preferences to access PCC Library resources. See How to Search PCC Library on Google Scholar for directions on how to set your Google Scholar preferences at home.
Primary Sources
National Women's History Museum
Online exhibits at the National Women's History Museum include Women and the Progressive Era, Female Journalists, Rights for Women, and Women Who Ran for President.
American Women, a Library of Congress website, contains documents and images related to U.S. women's history and special exhibits including "Women of Protest" and "Women Come to the Front: Journalists, Photographers, and Broadcasters During WWII."
National Women's History Museum include Women and the Progressive Era, Female Journalists, Rights for Women, and Women Who Ran for President.
The Women's Rights National Historical Park commemorates the first Women's Rights Convention and early leaders, such as Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, in the women's rights movement.
Women at War: This digital collection includes photographs, interviews, letters, and personal recollections from women who served in World War II, Korea, Vietnam,and the Persian Gulf.
Find Articles
Search these databases to find articles on Women's and Gender Studies topics.
- Academic Search Premier This link opens in a new windowFull text for more than 4,500 scholarly social sciences, humanities, general science, education and multi-cultural journals. 3,700 are peer-reviewed.
- Gender Studies (Gale OneFile) This link opens in a new windowThis collection of more than 30 journals aims to provide balanced coverage of this significant aspect of our culture, covering such topics as gender studies, family and marital issues, health aspects, and many more.
- GenderWatch This link opens in a new windowFocusing on how gender impacts diverse subject areas, resources include scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, as well as NGO and government publications. Archival material from as early as 1970 provides a historical perspective on the women's movement, men's studies, the transgendered community, and changes in gender roles. View the GenderWatch handout
- JSTOR This link opens in a new windowJSTOR has full text of over 1000 scholarly journals in the arts and sciences, as far back as 18xx up to 3-5 years ago. Note: It does not include current issues of the journals. All ARTstor image collections are now part of JSTOR, and can be searched using the "Images" tab then selecting "ARTstor collections".
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Policy & research institutes
Policy and research institutes conduct and publish credible research, often including polls, and advocacy on social, political, cultural or economic issues. While most policy and research institutes are non-profit organizations, some have a political or ideological slant.
- Brookings InstituteThe Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, DC.
- Carnegie Endowment for International PeaceTheir mission is to advance the cause of peace through analysis and development of fresh policy ideas and direct engagement and collaboration with decision makers in government, business, and civil society.
- Cato InstituteThe Cato Institute is a public policy research organization dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets and peace.
- Center for American ProgessThe Center for American Progress is an independent, progressive, nonpartisan policy institute dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans.
- Council on Foreign RelationsThe Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher.
- Gallup PollCurrent polls and research on a wide variety of topics. They often track polling responses over time, so you can see shifts in public opinion.
- Heritage FoundationThe Heritage Foundation is a research and educational institution—a think tank—whose mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies.
- Kaiser Family FoundationKaiser is a non-profit organization focusing on national health issues, as well as the U.S. role in global health policy.
- Pew Research CenterPew Research Center is an independent center that conducts polls and studies.