Oceanography: Websites, Videos, Books and eBooks
Suggested websites
- Coastal Data Information ProgramCDIP "measures, analyzes, archives, and disseminates coastal environment data for use by coastal engineers, planners, and managers, as well as scientists and mariners."
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric AssociationMake sure to visit the NOAA pages on Oceans, Coasts, and Charting. Also check out the NOAA In Your State documents for Oregon and Washington.
- Oregon State University Hatfield Marine Science Visitor CenterDon't miss the Marine Research section with updates on research into pollution, Northwest fisheries, poisonous algae bloom, oceanic acoustic monitoring programs, and much more.
- Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionMake sure to check out the Research and Ocean Topics sections, which have amazing resources on Oceanography, Climatology, and lots more!
- Volcano WorldCurrent volcanic eruptions around the world.
- Freshwater and Marine Image BankHosted by the University of Washington libraries, the image bank contains "images of fish, shellfish, and marine mammals, pictures of fish hatcheries and dams and vessels, materials related to polar exploration, regional and traditional fisheries, and limnological (freshwater) subjects."
Suggested library catalog searches
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Featured Books and eBooks
The Great Ocean Conveyor: Discovering the Trigger for Abrupt Climate Change by
Available in-print and as an eBookHow the Ocean Works: An Introduction to Oceanography by
Available in-print and as an eBook