Microelectronics Technology: Getting Started


image of computer chips       Use the tabs above to navigate through the pages of the guide:

  • Getting Started - Scroll down to find books, articles, videos, and more for your research.
  • Cite Sources - Tools for citing and using sources.
  • Get Help - Get help from a librarian 24x7, get support from a tutor, ​
    or find a handout or tutorial to help you with your research.

image of "wafer detail" by Tambako. Used under CC BY-NC-SA.

Find Articles

Search these databases to find articles on Microelectronic Technology topics.

Explanations & definitions

Need an explanation? Give Access Science a try when you need to get a handle on a concept.

Find Articles with Google Scholar

Before searching, be sure to set PCC as your library in your browser by:

  1. Visiting the link to set "Library Links" settings for Google Scholar
  2. using the search box to search for "Portland Community College",
  3. checking the check box that appears underneath the search to select “Portland Community College – Find it @ PCC”, 
  4. and then selecting the Save button.

This will ensure that when you search Google Scholar in your browser, you will see Find It @ PCC links to full text if we have the article (Google Scholar sometimes also provides links to other free sources for full text).

You can learn more about setting Google Scholar preferences on the PCC Library Website

Find Books, Articles, DVDs, and more

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E-videos on Electricity & Electronics - streaming online!

Silicon Run videos


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Sara Robertson
Rock Creek Library
Building 9, 2nd floor