Journalism: Getting Started
Journalism research guide
Use the tabs above to navigate the pages of the guide:
- Getting Started - See below access to world class news sources through PCC Library
- Local journalism - News sources in PCC and the local community
- Research tools - Find published articles in library databases.
- Cite Sources - Tools for citing and using sources.
- Get Help - Get help from a librarian 24x7, get support from a tutor, or find a handout or tutorial to help you with your research
New York Times Online -- free for PCC students and staff
Portland Community College Library is now providing access to the New York Times. This subscription includes:
- Unlimited access on Includes: articles, multimedia with interactive graphics, videos, photography, and virtual reality found in the NYT App (stories told through enhanced technology), newsletters and podcasts
- No daily limit to the number of articles you can download
- Archives (dating back to 1851) (5 PDF article downloads from Times Machine per user per day/100 per month)
- Spanish and Mandarin Chinese versions of
Set up your subscription account from the PCC Library: Get Started with the New York Times Online
The power of language
- "Language around abortion requires accuracy, precision"Letter from the editor of The Oregonian newspaper, May 15, 2022
- ‘Riots,’ ‘demonstrations,’ or ‘peaceful protests’? How a news organization's language choices can shape public understanding of events.Article posted on CIVIX, a Canadian news literacy site: July 06, 2020
World Language Magazines and Newspapers
You can use the library database PressReader to access magazines and newspapers from around the world. Currently the collection includes publications from 154 counties and includes 64 languages. Download the PressReader app for mobile reading.
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