History - Holocaust: Getting Started
Suggested Databases
- EBSCOhost This link opens in a new windowSearch from a wide range of research databases for magazine and journal articles. Updated daily. View the EBSCOhost handout
Mobile URL: EBSCOhost Mobile
- World History Gale-In-ContextThis collection provides balanced coverage of both current thought and events in World History, as well as scholarly work being established in the field. Useful both to the novice historian and to the advanced academic researcher.
- JSTOR This link opens in a new windowJSTOR has full text of over 1000 scholarly journals in the arts and sciences, as far back as 18xx up to 3-5 years ago. Note: It does not include current issues of the journals. All ARTstor image collections are now part of JSTOR, and can be searched using the "Images" tab then selecting "ARTstor collections".
Catalog Searches
Here are some sample searches for books and videos in our library catalog. You can limit it to online resources by clicking on the check box next to "Full Text Online" on the left side of the screen and then clicking "Apply Filter." If you are looking for articles, use some of these search terms in one of our Databases.
holocaust (also searches Shoah)
holocaust denial Note: This is books about the holocaust denial movement. The books that are written by holocaust deniers are found with the holocaust search. If you want to read it, it might be easiest to identify one from a website, and then look for that title.
national socialism and nazi party
fascism. Fascism is a term for the political philosophy that advocates the supremacy of a national or ethnic group, contempt for democracy, and advocacy for a single authoritarian national leader. The Nazis were fascists, but there were many fascist countries in Europe that shared some traits of the Nazi party, but not others. Italy under Mussolini was the first. Other fascist nations included Germany, Spain, and Hungary.
Featured Titles
Artists for the Reich: culture and race from Weimar to Nazi Germany by
ISBN: 1845202007Publication Date: 2005-04-01Demonizing the Jews: Luther and the Protestant Church in Nazi Germany C by
ISBN: 025300098XPublication Date: 2012-06-08Flares of memory : stories of childhood during the Holocaust by
ISBN: 0197713068Publication Date: 2023Holocaust Graphic Narratives: generation, trauma, and memory by
ISBN: 1978802552Publication Date: 2019-12-19While America Watches by
ISBN: 0198028040