Functional Nutrition: Home
Welcome to PCC Library
PCC Library buildings are open 6 days/week and PCC librarians are available 7 days/week. The PCC Library website will connect you to many valuable resources for your course work. The purpose of this page is to introduce you to the PCC Library, as well as free resources on the Web, in order to help you gain skills in how to find evidence-based information regarding nutrition.
On the Concept Tutorials tab above, you will find several tutorials with basic research concepts.
On the Published Articles tab above, you will find links to PCC Library databases with articles on nutrition and other health-related topics. There are also links to publicly available databases.
These materials were collected for PCC's Functional Nutrition class; feel free to contact me if you have questions or comments.
Torie Scott, Reference & Instruction Librarian, PCC Library
Introduction to the Library Website and Library Services
This 5:26 video provides an overview of the library website and highlights some of the Library's most popular collections and services.
- Welcome to the PCC Library WebsiteAre you new to the PCC Library Website? Visit this page for an overview of what you can do and find on the site, and how to get help when you need it.
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