OLA Intellectual Freedom Staff Training Resources

Staff training resources about free speech and Banned Books Week


This page includes archived webinars, video clips and other resources about free speech and Banned Books Week.  


Webinar:: Before the Mud Flies: Conversations for Banned Books Week (1 hour) This 2015 ALA Office of Intellectual Freedom webinar provides talking points explain to library board members, principals, fellow teachers etc. about the First Amendment’s right to read and the censorship that is still happening in our country. https://youtu.be/6yBwSy9kNhQ

Video clips

Entertaining but content-rich presentation on free speech and its constitutional limits in America.  (6 minutes)

Bill Moyers talks about how libraries provided his first opportunity to indulge his love of reading and learning, and shares his dismay over efforts to remove books from schools and libraries in modern times. (3 minutes)

Contact us!

Do you know of resources which should be added to this guide?  Contact the OLA Intellectual Freedom Committee at www.olaweb.org/contact-ifc