Your Career Development

A self-service guide for career exploration and development for PCC students and staff.

Get Help in Person, on the Phone, or Online

Career Exploration Centers

Located on the Cascade, Rock Creek, Southeast & Sylvania campuses

Jobs & Internships Offices 

PCC Library

Located on the Cascade, Rock Creek, Southeast & Sylvania campuses

PCC Library has many resources that you can use on your own. Each campus library offers quiet study spaces as well as study rooms you can reserve.

Chat a Librarian for Help

Need help from a librarian? Use our chat system. Click the button to open the chat window.

Chat with a Librarian!

Help from Tutors

PCC tutors are available to help you with course-related work both in person and online, and the service is free! Cascade, Sylvania, Rock Creek and Southeast each have a tutoring center with excellent in-person tutors in most subjects. If you're working on a paper, the writing tutors are popular (so don't wait until the last minute)! You can get more information about each campuses hours and locations at the links below: