Your Career Development
A self-service guide for career exploration and development for PCC students and staff.
Learn About You & Career Development
These resources provide information about career development and can help you understand your unique preferences.
Your Unique Preferences
- Do What You Are: Discover the Perfect Career for You Through the Secrets of Personality TypeDo you know the career for you based on your unique personality? There are books at the PCC Library that can help.
- The Keirsey Temperament SorterThis is a personality assessment that many find useful in understanding their preferences - their unique personality.
- Holland Codes, from Rogue Community CollegeLearn more about your work personality. Your Holland Code (career themes) can help describe work that might fit you. The Holland Codes is a system to classify jobs into job categories, interest clusters, or work personality environments. In the Holland Model, these categories represent work personalities.
- Life ReimaginedWe’re all searching for ways to live that are meaningful and true. Life Reimagined is a vision, a methodology, and a community that helps people rediscover what truly matters and focuses on what they really want to do.
Career Development
- Oregon Career Information System (OR CIS)OR CIS is a database system that provides national labor and education information, but localized to the state of Oregon. This system provides free career assessments (surveys that help you learn about your education and work preferences). Plus current information about college programs, occupations, and potential scholarships. PCC has a custom version available through MyPCC. Select My Courses in MyPCC and link to MAP (My Academic Plan).
- O*NET OnlineO*NET is a free online database that contains hundreds of occupational definitions to help students, job seekers, businesses, and workforce professionals understand today’s world of work in the United States. This site links to a national database of occupations based on your career themes (Holland Code). Browse for careers based on your preferences for work environments and outcomes.
- National Career Development Association (NCDA)This is the website for the National Career Development Association. This site includes “many resources, services, and tools which assist users in exploring careers, planning for the future, searching for employment, and finding the additional training necessary to pursue a dream. Most of these resources are free, and several were developed in countries other than the United States.”
PCC Library materials on Career Choices based on Personality
What's Your Type of Career? by Donna Dunning The simple truth is that to be happy and successful in your work, you need a career that not only matches your interests but fits your personality type as well. Author Donna Dunning uses the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to introduce eight distinct ways of working. encouraging you to reflect on your own natural preferences.
ISBN: 9781857885538Publication Date: 201050 Best Jobs for Your Personality by Laurence Shatkin Identifies personality types using the theory of vocational personalities, then pairs each personality with the jobs that best fit it.
ISBN: 9781593579104Publication Date: 2012Do What You Are by Paul D. Tieger; Barbara Barron-Tieger
ISBN: 9780316167260Publication Date: 2007Helps readers discover and identify their personality type and use this information to find the appropriate career.
- Mapping a Career Path: Your Aptitude, Interests, Values and Personality by Kevin McCarthy, Kathleen O. Ryan, and Akela StanfieldPublication Date: 2011A streaming video.
- Last Updated: Jun 10, 2024 3:00 PM
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Subjects: College & Life Skills