Paraeducation: Books & films

The Paraeducation program is designed to give students a variety of skills, including individual instruction, group instruction, behavior management, interpersonal and intercultural communication with adults and students, and personal growth.

Find Books, Articles, DVDs, and more

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The following links will take you to books, videos and other library materials on that topic in the library catalog:

Looking for ebooks?

The PCC Library provides access to many ebooks. To find ebooks in the library:

  • Enter a search in the main search box on the library homepage.

  • On the results page, on the left-hand side of the page, find the Format section and check the eBooks box.

  • Click the Apply Filters button. 

  • To access an ebook, click the Online Access link under the title information.


Screenshot of the catalog showing the eBook check box under Format to limit the search to eBooks.

Featured Titles

Social-Emotional Learning During and Post COVID