WR 122 Robillard & Fierman: Welcome

In This Guide

This guide is designed to help students who are doing a project or assignment that involves writing and research.

Use the tabs to navigate through the other pages of the guide:

  • Find Articles - Recommended databases for finding published articles and other published writing. Also see sub tab on Peer Reviewed articles. 

  • Websites, Stats, and Think Tanks - Starting points for online sources and tips on advanced Google search. 

  • Evaluate Sources - How to determine whether the sources you've found really meet your needs. The Crash Course video on "Who to Trust" is good! 

  • Find Books - Search for books on your topic at PCC and beyond. 

  • Cite Sources - Help with MLA citations and manuscript formatting.

  • Get Help - Get help from a librarian 24x7, get support from a tutor, or find a handout or tutorial to help you with your research. Amanda Bird, your course librarian, is available for research consultations, and you can also schedule with any librarian. Email Amanda for more info! 

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Amanda Bird

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Amanda Bird