ENG 106- Intro to Poetry: Getting Started
This guide is designed to help students do research on the historical and biographical context of poetry and poets for Alison Apotheker's Introduction to Poetry class.
Explicate that poem! Incorporate a source!
A little help with how to explicate a poem and incorporate a quote from a poem into an essay.
- How to format quotes in your essayWhen you directly quote the works of others in your paper, you will format quotations differently depending on their length. Here are some basic guidelines for incorporating quotations into your essay. From the Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University.
The Poetry Handbook by
Call Number: OnlineISBN: 1280905417Publication Date: 2006The Poetry Handbook is a lucid and entertaining guide to the poet's craft, and an invaluable introduction to practical criticism for students.The Art of Poetry: How to Read a Poem by
Call Number: OnlineISBN: 1281515167Publication Date: 2013A uniquely comprehensive, step-by-step introduction to poetic form, The Art of Poetry moves progressively from smaller units such as the word, line, and image, to larger features such as verse forms and voice.
- Literature Criticism Online This link opens in a new windowSearches Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism (authors who lived during the 19th century) and Poetry Criticism (includes poets and their poems). Includes scholarly and popular commentary from broadsheets, pamphlets, encyclopedias, books and periodicals.
American history and literary movements
Here are some resources to explore aspects of American history and literature. Learn more about literary movements such as the Transcendentalist, Beat Poets and Harlem Renaissance, and explore the experiences of Native American and African American people, including enslavement, through primary and secondary sources.
- Credo Reference This link opens in a new windowProvides background information from published general and specialized dictionaries and encyclopedias. Try the Concept Map to search for terms and topics that are interconnected and displayed in a visual form.
For example, a search for "harlem renaissance" will suggest links to individual poets and thinkers such as Zora Neale Hurston.
Example searches:
harlem renaissance
beat poets
Or search for poets by name. - Gale Ebooks (formerly GVRL) This link opens in a new windowOver 200 encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. Look here for background information on history, literary movements, poets, and more.
Example searches:
harlem renaissance
beat poets
Or search for poets by name.
- PCC Library catalogUse the "Search PCC Library collection" box on the PCC Library homepage to find e-books, streaming videos and print books at PCC and other libraries.
Example searches:
slave experience united states
native americans literature
After your initial search, you can use the left-side "Online Resources" button to limit to e-books only. There are a lot of good print books on this subject.
Find Books
The Library search box is your starting point to find books, ebooks, DVDs, and other materials.
Rita Dove on The Power of Poetry
Find poems
- LitFinder (Gale Literature) This link opens in a new windowThis database includes more than 150,000 full-text poems and 800,000 poetry citations, as well as short stories, speeches, plays, images, biographies and more.
Example searches:
paul laurence dunbar
native american poetry
- Poetry FoundationFind poems by title or poet's name.
After your initial search, you can limit to audio reading or articles about the poems. - Poets.orgSearch for poems and find biographical information about contemporary and classical poets.
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