AD 106 Nicotine Cessation: Articles
How to Search Library Databases for Articles
This video shows how to get started using a library database to find articles and research related smoking, tobacco, and nicotine.
Recommended Databases to Search
Try searching these article databases for articles related to smoking and smoking cessation.
- Health and Wellness (Gale) This link opens in a new windowProvides access to medical reference materials. Includes nearly 400 health/medical journals, hundreds of pamphlets, over 700 health-related videos from partner Healthology, Inc., and articles from 2,200 general interest publications in addition to a broad collection of Gale reference titles.
- SIRS Issues Researcher This link opens in a new windowArticles, web resources, government resources, images, and other sources related to social issues, science, health, and more.
- Health and Medicine Resources (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new windowUse the limiters on the left side of the results screen to choose articles from peer-reviewed research journals, magazines, or newspapers. You can also limit your results by date. Articles can be emailed with a citation.
- ScienceDirect This link opens in a new windowA wealth of peer-reviewed, scholarly scientific research. Put a check mark in "subscribed journals" on the search results page to see articles with full-text access.
Featured Articles
- The Health Risks of E-Cigarettes: Evidence Grows That Vaping is Associated with Lung, Heart DiseaseFrom Supreme Court Debates, 2021.
- FDA Moves to Outlaw Menthol Cigarettesfrom the Washington Post, April 29, 2022.
- FTC Report Finds Annual Cigarette Sales Increased for the First Time in 20 Yearsfrom the Federal Trade Commission, 2021.
- Improved Rates of Treatment Success Following Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Among Clients Who Quit or Reduce Their Tobacco SmokingFrom Drug and Alcohol Review, 2021.
- A Planning Intervention to Quit Smoking in Single-Smoking Couples: Does Partner Involvement Improve Effectiveness?From Psychology & Health, 2021.
- E-Cigarettes to Quit Smoking May Not Result in SuccessFrom MPR, 2021
- (No) Escape From Reality? Cigarette Craving in Virtual Smoking Environmentsfrom the Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 2021
Sample Article Database Searches
Explore these sample searches in library article databases for books and ebooks related to smoking. Change or modify the search results by trying out different search terms and limiters.
- Magazine, audio, news, and academic journal sources from the last 2 years related to vaping.
- Peer-reviewed, magazine, and news articles from the last 2 years related to smoking cessation.
- Scholarly research articles published in the last two years on nicotine dependence.