WR 121 Erwert Fall 2023: Alternative genres

Presenting information in different genres

For Part 2 of your Research Project - Essay response and creative presentation -- you will present information in response to an essay in a format that is not an essay.  Choose a format appropriate to the audience you are targeting. From your assignment sheet, here are some options:

  • "Make a powerpoint/Prezzie on your topic
  • Make a pamphlet, poster, or brochure informing us on your topic
  • Make a fake or real social media profile for your topic: a fake Facebook or Instagram page, a BandCamp page, a Reddit identity with posts on the topic. Explain how and why you would design it as you do
  • Create a fake or real blog about your topic (Blogger.com, Wix.com for real ones; use Google Doc or Word for fake ones)
  • Make a piece of art that represents your topic
  • Make a movie/video about your topic
  • Create a game based on your topic
  • Other? Be creative! Just ask"

Below are some tips and examples for some of these formats. 

Design tools

Royalty-Free Images

The websites below provide royalty-free images that you can use in your artifacts. Some photographs and images have specific restrictions (such as not for commercial use) or requests for attribution, so be sure to read the descriptions.