Astronomy: Get Started

Guide to resources and research in the area of Astronomy.


This guide is designed to help students do research for PCC astronomy classes.  Use the tabs to navigate through the other pages of the guide:

  • Books and videos - Find books, ebooks, DVDs, streaming videos and more from the PCC Library catalog.
  • Article databases - Find published articles from online encyclopedias, magazines, and research journals.
  • Web Resources - Find websites on the latest discoveries, research, explorations and information
  • Get Help - Get help from a librarian 24x7, get support from a tutor, or find a handout or tutorial to help you with your research.

The Biggest Explosion in The Cosmos

"For three years, telescopes have monitored “one of the most luminous” events ever: a supermassive black hole consuming a gigantic cloud of interstellar gas...

Eight billion light-years from Earth, in the darkness beyond the constellation Vulpecula, a black hole perhaps a billion times as massive as the sun seems to be gorging on a humongous cloud of gas. A study of the phenomenon appeared Friday in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society...

Astronomers said the explosion is a fireball 100 times the size of our Solar System that suddenly began blazing in the distant universe more than three years ago. “Most supernovae and tidal disruption events only last for a couple of months before fading away,” said Philip Wiseman, an astrophysicist at the University of Southampton and the lead author of the new paper. “For something to be bright for two-plus years was immediately very unusual.”

Source: New York Times, May 2023
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