Course Specific Research Support for ART 204: Home
The purpose of this page is to: highlight curriculum where information literacy instruction & support are expected; connect relevant librarian created content & tools; map information literacy related course outcomes to state & national standards
Global Art History: 65,000 BCE - 5th Century course outcomes related to research skills:
- ART 204 CCOGArticulate the relationships between art made from 65,000 BCE through the 5th century, the history of visual culture, and world history to enhance civic and global engagement
Other indicators of required research or information seeking:
From the Outcome and Assessment Strategies:
research projects resulting in papers or presentations
From the Course Content:
- Evaluate primary and secondary art historical sources, assessing their stakes and motives.
- Research and write coherently about art history, using evidence to support arguments.
Oregon Association of School Libraries: Standards and Learning Goals
- Information Literacy Strand
- Standard 2Use skills, resources, and tools to draw conclusions, make informed decisions, create new knowledge, and apply knowledge to new situations.
- Reading Engagement Strand
Topic guide
Research Guide
Library Tutorials
Additional librarian-created content and tools
Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education
For information about this page:
To update Course outcomes, contact: Pam Kessinger