WR 122 Fink: Get Started

The Definition Exploration Assignment

The Definition Exploration assignment requires you to research how a term is used in different contexts, both popular and academic.  This page of the guide provides access to some excellent reference sources to start to get a handle on how your term is defined, and some tips for exploring the ranges of contemporary use of that term in popular culture.  The next page provides resources for seeing how the term is used in academic communication.





Find historical perspectives in reference sources

Tips for exploring contemporary uses of a term

Here are some strategies for exploring how words are used in different contexts:

• Read the wikipedia article.
• Search tags on social media sites (Twitter, Instagram, etc.).
• Do a site-specific source of respected mainstream sources:  for example:

 You might try…

• New York Times  nytimes.com - Practices fact-based journalism; has left leaning editorial bias
• Wall Street Journal  wsj.com - Practices fact-based journalism; has right leaning editorial bias
• BBC – bbc.com – Practices fact-based journalism; British perspective
• Al Jazeera – aljazeera.com – Practices fact-based journalism; Middle East perspective
•  Do a site specific search of sources outside of the mainstream with a specific perspective.  For example: 
foxnews.com -  pro-Trump, very conservative news source
dailykos.com – anti-Trump, very progressive news source
breitbart.com – white nationalist website
focusonthefamily.com –conservative Christian website
sojo.net – Sojourners, a liberal Christian website
Check the accuracy ratings and political bias of various news sources at mediabiasfactcheck.com