BA 150, 250 & 278 - Sickert: Get Help
Get Individualized Help
- Do you need help with research? You can email or chat with a librarian from any remote location.
- PCC Librarians are available for chat during regular library hours, but at other times you may be chatting with a librarian from a different library.
- Students can make an appointment for an online research help consultation with a librarian. Appointments can be scheduled at Research Help Appointments.
Email Us
Need to ask a question by email? Use the Email a Librarian form or find your favorite librarian's email address on Library Staff.
Use Library "How Do I...?" to get your questions answered
Library "How Do I...?" contains the answers to common questions students ask about research.
Helping Yourself!
The Library also has video tutorials on everything from how to develop a topic for your paper to figuring out how to incorporate those citations. You'll find those videos, as well as information about using e-resources, at Tutorials and Handouts.
Citing sources is another way you can help yourself! PCC Library has all the information you need to Cite Sources.
Chat or Text a Librarian for Help
You can chat with a PCC librarian any time you see the PCC Ask A Librarian chat widget on the PCC Library website or in a subject guide like this one.
Chat with a Librarian
Need to talk to a librarian? Use our chat system. Click the button to open the chat window.
Help from Tutors
PCC Tutoring Service Summer 2024: eTutoring only (visit their page in September to see their full options)
PCC Tutoring offers free support for students registered in classes during the current term.
We offer quick access to tutors in over 50 departments to help students clarify concepts and deepen their understanding of the material.
Our campus centers are closed between terms and eTutoring is offered year-round.
Visit PCC's Tutoring page for information on how to get free online tutoring.