Emergency Preparedness Resources: Get a Kit

Emergencies and disasters happen. The Pacific Northwest is still waiting for the "overdue" major quake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone. This guide will help you to prepare for any major emergencies and disasters.

You can buy or create an emergency go kit

Supplies for sale:

You can make your own emergency and first aid kits, but you can also buy them. Here are some examples of kits for sale. The library does NOT recommend that you buy any specific kit -- this is just a list to give you some ideas.

US First Aid and Prep (not a government agency or store) 


Costco (Emergency food supplies from Costco. We haven't tried these; this is just a suggestion.)


LifeSecure (not a government agency)

There are lots of other places that sell pre-made kits. If you don't want to make your own from scratch, it's worth shopping around to find ones that are reasonably priced, have all the items you want, and if you're buying emergency food supplies, make sure it's food you'll want to eat.