ATH 104 Intro to Linguistic Anthropology: Find Books
Find Books, Articles, DVDs, and more
Find Books related to Language and Culture
Click on these links to find print and electronic (eBooks) books cataloged under these subject headings. You can also do a more specific search (if you're researching a specific topic) in the box above.
Getting a book from the PCC Library
- Enter a search in the PCC Library search box.
- If the book you want has a linked message starting with Available at..., and the book is available on your home campus, write down the location and call number.
- If the book is available from another campus, click on the "Request" button in the "Get It" section, (NOTE: You will need to login with your MyPCC username and password after clicking the blue "Sign in" button to see the "Request" button), and specify the campus to which you'd like the book to be sent.
- If the book is not available from PCC, you can order it using the "Get it" buttons to request a physical copy or digital chapters from the book (located in the "Get it from other locations" section). Learn more about requesting library materials.
Find Streaming Online Videos
- Academic Video Online (AVON) This link opens in a new windowOver 64,000 scholarly videos in multiple subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film & cinema, health, music and dance, news and current affairs, science, and much more. Programs include documentaries, interviews, performances, news, raw footage, and archival materials. Note: Some video content in Alexander Street Video, such as Sony Classic Pictures content, is protected by DRM (Digital Rights Management) technology. Due to this DRM requirement, certain videos will not play on Apple devices or the Safari browser as they lack the technology required to play protected video.
- Films on Demand This link opens in a new windowThousands of high-resolution streaming videos organized by subject. For academic research as well as general interest, this collection includes archival and newsreel films as well as career and technical videos.
Getting a book we don't have
If we don't have a book, chances are we can get it for you!
When you find an item with a "Find and request" message that means the book is not in our collection or is checked out.
You may be able to request the book from a library in our region using the blue "Get it" buttons to request a physical copy of the book or digital chapters from the book. Click on the book you want, and if you don't see "Get it" buttons to request a physical or digital copy of the book, you will need to log in with your MyPCC username and password after you click the blue "Sign in" button.
Physical Item Requests
Requested physical items can be delivered to any PCC Library at no cost for pick-up in the amount of time listed in the "Get it from other locations" section (usually 7 days). An email to your MyPCC account will notify you when your item is ready for pick up. Items must be picked up within seven calendar days after they are available. Return your borrowed items to any PCC library.
Digital Chapter Requests
Requested digital items (such as book chapters) should be delivered via email in the amount of time listed in the "Get it from other locations" section (often 24 hours). You will receive requested PDFs via email.
Learn more at our "Requesting Library Materials" page.
Selected eBooks on Language and Culture
These represent just a few of the many books (both online and in print) the library has available on these subjects. To access eBooks (from anywhere!) just click on the linked title and you'll be asked to enter your MyPCC username and password.