VT203: Articles
Veterinary Technology research sources
Articles and Databases through PCC Library
- Databases from PCC LibraryOver 100 databases for articles from general interest to scholarly; encyclopedia and dictionaries, and other reference sources
Publicly available full text articles, reports, documents
- Advanced Search by GoogleLimit to "file type" as pdf, or use "domain" limit such as .org or .gov, to locate documents published by organizations or agencies
- DOAJ: Directory of Open Access JournalsScientific journal articles, from electronically published journals
- Google Scholar This link opens in a new windowUse Google Scholar tools (Cited By, Related, Cite).
Google Scholar searches the web for scholarly articles, reports, books, and other materials. If using Google Scholar from a PCC campus, you can access full text articles. If PCC has access to an article, a "Find it @ PCC" link will appear to the right of the search result. Click “Find it @ PCC” to go to the library catalog where you will be offered a choice to view the article. From home, you will need to set your Google Scholar preferences to access PCC Library resources. See Using Google Scholar for directions on how to set your Google Scholar preferences at home.
Articles and databases for Oregon residents
- Libraries of OregonClick on the Do Research tab to locate a list of available databases