International Studies: Get Started
Library and web resources for International Studies courses.
This guide is designed to help students do research for International Studies classes. Use the tabs to navigate through the other pages of the guide:
- Find Books and Videos - Find books, ebooks, streaming videos and more through the PCC Library.
- Find articles- Find published newspaper, magazine and academic journal articles in PCC Library databases and on the web.
- Cite Sources - Resources for creating citations and using citation generators.
- Get Help - Get help from a librarian 24x7, get support from a tutor, or find a handout or tutorial to help you with your research.
International Studies at PCC
Global Studies Focus AwardThe courses included in PCC's Global Studies Focus Award foster a rich understanding and appreciation of the diverse cultures of the world.
Education AbroadStudents enrolled at Portland Community College have the opportunity to participate in a variety of education abroad program options.
PressReader provides digital access to nearly 7,000 publications from 150+ countries, in over 60 languages. Choose from news sources (for example, The Guardian, South China Post, The Jerusalem Post, El Pais) or magazines (for example, ¡Hola!, Voile Magazine, Asian Geographic). Browse whole publications or search by topic or language. Download the PressReader app for mobile-friendly reading.
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