HEC 226 Child Development: Find a Specific Journal

So you need to find an article...

There are two ways that people doing research usually go looking for articles:

1. Search for a specific journal you're interested in reading articles in. You can learn how to do that on this page!

2. Search for articles on a specific topic in a library database, which is a searchable collection of thousands of different journals. You can learn how to do that here.

Lists of Quality Early Childhood-focused Journals

Check if PCC has a Journal

To find out whether PCC has access to a specific journal, all you need to do is use the search box in the middle of the front page of the library website. Search for the title of the journal. You may want to put the title in quotes so that it searches for the exact words of the title in order.

screenshot of library search box with a search for "child development"

In the results, you will be looking for a result with the journal icon next to it. More often than not, it will be one of the first results. If you don't see that journal on the first page of results, you may need to limit your results to just journals (this might happen if the title is really common). To do this, go to the Format limiter on the left-hand side of the page. If you see a Journals link under that heading, click on it. If not, click on More options and check the Include box next to Journals. 

When you've found the correct journal in the results, you can see if we have access by looking at the color light associated with it. If it's green we have it, if it's any other color, we don't. Please note: there may be more than one record for a specific journal title. If you see a green light associated with your journal (as in the image below) click on the View button to see what access we have. Then click on the database that has the most current access (in the image below, it is EBSCOhost Academic Search Premier).

Screenshot of library catalog search with Journals checkbox checked under format and highlighting the Online Access link for the journal Child Development

When you click on the database, it should take you to a record for the journal, where (in most cases) you can browse through issues by date or search for articles on a specific topic of interest.

Screenshot of EBSCO record for the journal "Child Development" highlighting the search box to search for articles on a specific topic and the browse feature to browse articles by issue.