BI 101 Laukkanen: Background

Targeted Google searches for background information

Here are some ways to find information about countries using targeted web searches:

CIA World Factbook. Published by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), you'll find facts and statistics about the geography, economy, and human population of countries. Search: cia world factbook montenegro.

A way to find information about current events and issues in a country on the Web is to use the name of a reliable online publication, such as National Geographic, in your search to find articles and blogs from that publication. For example: national geographic montenegro.  

Lonely Planet  is a travel organization that publishes information about countries. A search for lonely planet montenegro will take you to the Lonely Planet website with information about the country. Another travel organization with useful information is Rough Guides: rough guide montenegro.

Databases for Background Information

Sometimes you need a magazine article or an encyclopedia entry to get your research started.  These databases will help!