Course Specific Research Support for CH 223: Home
General Chemistry III course outcomes related to research skills:
- CH 223 CCOGDemonstrate an intermediate ability to use detailed data collection, analysis and collaborative skills in order to explore general chemical principles, critically evaluate models and information, draw conclusions and communicate results in the context of the material covered in General Chemistry III.
Other indicators of required research or information seeking:
From the Outcome and Assessment Strategies:
"PCC Core Outcome Mapping: Core Outcome Critical Thinking - Mapping Level Indicator 3
Demonstrate an intermediate ability to use detailed data collection, analysis and collaborative skills in order to explore general chemical principles, critically evaluate models and information, draw conclusions and communicate results."
"At the beginning of the course, the instructor will detail the methods used to evaluate student progress and the criteria for assigning a course grade. The assessment methods may include one or more of the following: examinations, quizzes, homework assignments, laboratory write-ups, research papers, small group problem solving," oral presentations or maintenance of a personal lab notebook."
Bridging competencies to support research and information seeking at this level:
- Recognize authors' affiliation statements in journal articles
- Recognize agencies as corporate authors
- Navigate to library website, and select relevant databases
- Use background reading to construct reasonable topic statement
Corresponding research and information seeking outcomes for CH 223
1. Locate published information sources about how "general chemistry impacts the natural and technological environments, and evaluate for context, bias, and authority
2. Locate articles in scientific journals and evaluate for context, currency, and peer review
3. Devise a research question related to chemistry and the environment
Librarian Instructional Objectives:
1. Identify the parties responsible, and their qualifications, for chemistry articles, to evaluate reliability of information
2. Select sources for locating relevant chemistry journal articles, including library databases
3. Develop a researchable question related to chemistry, and identify the context and perspectives of the authors
Placement of courses on an Information Literacy Continuum
Courses | Instructional Stages | Student's Developmental Stage |
Connecting to College |
1. I know where the library is located and about some of the services provided. |
Information Seeking |
2. I can identify a topic, and identify useful information sources to read about it. |
Information Literacy Skills |
3. I can develop a topic statement, locate and use library sources, and begin informational research. |
Academic or Career/ Technical Related |
4. I evaluate the sources I have found for relevancy to my field, and I know who some of the experts are. |
CH 151 |
Inquiry and Exploration for Research |
5. I can identify pro- and con-positions on a topic. I can identify the perspectives of various experts in a field. |
CH 241 CH 242 CH 243 CH298A |
Discipline- or Area of Study Specific |
6. I can support my position on an issue with evidence. I can accurately summarize the scholarly or professional conversation. |
Chemistry courses with outcomes related to research and information seeking
Librarian Liaison to the Chemistry SAC (Subject Area Committee)
Contact: Robin Shapiro, Librarian at the Rock Creek campus
For information about this page:
To update Course outcomes, contact: Pam Kessinger