Dental: Books, Ebooks, and Videos

Find Books, Articles, DVDs, and more

Suggested Searches for Dental Topics

Not sure where to start? Use these searches to see books, ebooks and videos available on a topic. 

Getting a book from the PCC Library

Enter a search in the PCC Library search box. If the book you want has a green dot and a message starting with Available at... then click on Availability & Request Options. If the book is available on your home campus, write down the location and call number. If the book is available from another campus, click on the Request link (you will need to login to see this link) and specify the campus to which you'd like the book to be sent. If the book is not available from PCC, you can order it from Summit, and if not available from Summit, request it through Interlibrary Loan.

Streaming Videos

PCC subscribes to several streaming video services that include professional films as well as selections for general audiences. These videos are find-able in the PCC Library catalog search, and you can search for videos directly using the links below.