Political Science: Home

Political Science Resources

  • Dictionary of Political Science Terms. From the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics, 2013.
  • Brookings Institute The Brookings Institute is a "Think Tank" that generates ideas and research on all sorts of issues. Generally seen as left-leaning.
  • CATO Institute A Libertarian think-tank devoted to individual freedom.
  • Congressional Research Service Reports on subjects that Congressmen have asked about. Maybe they have something for you!
  • CQ Researcher Well-done and extensive (about 15 pages each) reports on many topics. An excellent starting place for any research in political issues.
  • EBSCOhost Our biggest collection of magazine and journal articles. Updated daily. Also available as a Mobile Site.  New to EBSCOhost? Take a look at our handout.
  • Library of Economics and Liberty A big website with the full-text of major economics and personal liberty books (Hume, Hayek) and Economics (Marx, Adam Smith), plus articles and lots of other stuff. Think libertarian.
  • Opposing Viewpoints in Context This database provides a one-stop source for information on current social issues. Includes viewpoint articles on both sides of an issue, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, links to websites, and full-text magazine and newspaper articles. Handout and Guide for Opposing Viewpoints


News in the World of Politics

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Veronica Vichit-Vadakan
Cascade Campus Library

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