Economics: Websites
Guide to research and library resources related to Economics
Professional Organizations
Organizations and government agencies relevant to the study of Economics
Pool 7 by Nicholas LabyrinthX. Used under CC by NC
- AFI Global: Alliance for Financial InclusionPolicy statements, reports, and news on global poverty. AFI "achieves its mission by administering several types of financial inclusion policy related activities including a membership program, the convening of Working Groups, the provision of grants, and a Policy Champion Program."
- Bureau of Labor StatisticsEconomic Indicators, by region; Consumer Price Index; Monthly Labor Review
- Economic Policy InstituteA non-profit think tank that produces and collects research focusing on economic issues of low and middle-income Americans. Current report: The Making of Ferguson: Public Policies at the Root of its Troubles
- Federal Reserve Bank of New York: Data and IndicatorsSurvey reports, maps, and tools from the New York Fed and other Federal Reserves
- Peterson Institute for International EconomicsNonprofit institute for the study of international economics. Research articles and reports, opinion, news, blog and other information is available
- Population Reference BureauCensus, industrial, and workforce population data
Economics Tools
- Academic Data: St. Louis FedDisplay graphs of economic data on academic topics contributed by researchers
- Beige BookComments on economic conditions in the Federal Reserve Districts. Updated annually
- Census ExplorerSearch by county, state, census tract, or address for demographic data in a convenient visual format.
- Census QuickFactsDemographics by state, county, city. Just one of the many services of the U.S. Census.
- Consumer Price IndexMonthly data on changes in the prices paid by urban consumers for a representative basket of goods and services
- Data Visualization GalleryU.S. Census data-- historical population data--displayed in interesting and various formats
- FRASER: Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic ResearchDiscover Economic History -- archival data reports from the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank
- FRED: Federal Reserve Economic DataEconomic time series data viewable in spreadsheet or text format, from the St. Louis Fed
- Inflation CalculatorFrom the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Easy to use, by entering dates see the change in inflation rate
- Measuring WorthEconomists draw on government data to set up comparisons and datasets-- the value of the dollar through time, year-by-year inflation rate and other interesting comparisons. Tutorial and User Guide each available
- OECD Better Life IndexCompare "well-being" based on several factors for eleven countries. Sponsored by the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development
- Poverty in America: Living Wage CalculatorAmy K. Glasmeier and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology provide a calculator for estimating the cost of living and living wage for cities and counties within each state in the U.S.
- RFE: Resources for Economists on the InternetWeb directory sponsored by the American Economic Association
- Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2012Government website with lots of tables of data for U.S. populations. (Web version suspended in 2012). Updated versions are available in print versions.
- USAFactsA growing database of statistics about what the U.S. government spends money on. Started by Steve Ballmer
- What Percent Are You?From the New York Times, this interactive graphic shows you your rank, based on income.