History - Asia (East, SE, South): India
Indian Culture
Here are some sample searches for books and videos in our catalog for subjects related to India. You can limit it to online resources by clicking on the check box next to "Full Text Online" on the left side of the screen and then clicking "Apply Filter." If you would like to find articles, use some of these search terms in our Databases.
Featured Titles
Here is a list of books available in the PCC Library. some are print only, others are available as ebooks. Check the item format listed at the top of each record. This search will show you just the ebooks on Indian history that are available to you.
- Behind the Beautiful Forevers byISBN: 9781400067558
- The Elephants and Kings byISBN: 9780226264226Publication Date: 2015-08-03A history of war elephants in India, and how kings and princes protected their forests in order to to keep the elephant population strong.
Reading List
History 105: India Reading List
What does Sylvia Gray have in mind for you? Click on the above to find out.
Streaming Videos
Streaming Videos
Watch these streaming videos on India (access restricted by license to PCC students/staff/faculty):
Mahatma Gandhi: the great soul lives
This documentary traces the footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi from London, where he studied law, to South Africa, where he established his first ashram, to India, where he worked tirelessly for independence.
This program looks at identity and the roots of India's famous "unity in diversity."
Current Events in India
Recent News
Read recent news articles about India via Google News
What Does India Think?
What Does India Think? Is a November 2015 report from the European Council on Foreign Relations. There are a collection of essays, including: "What Does India Think?"; "India's Gandhian Foreign Policy"; "The India That Made Modi"; "The Challenges of Basic Education in India"; "What Do India's Citizens Want?" "Can Modi Deliver Good Governance?"; "India's Politics and the Poor"; "The False Debate on India's Energy Consumption"; "Imagining Smart Cities in India" ; "India's Strategic Opportunities" ; "India's Strategic Diffidence"; "China, India, Pakistana nd a Stable Regional Order"; "Modi's Approach to China and Pakistan" and "The FTA: A Strategic Call for the EU and India?"