History - Asia (East, SE, South): Home
Library Catalog Searches- premade, by the subject!
Here are some sample searches to find books and videos in our library catalog. You can limit it to online resources by clicking on the check box next to "Full Text Online" on the left side of the screen and then clicking "Apply Filter." If you are looking for articles, use some of these search terms in one of our Databases.
Find Books, Articles, DVDs, and more
Google Searches
One of the best features of Google's advanced search is the ability to limit your search to the areas of the web where the information is most reliable, such as education sites or government sites. The shortcut for this is to add site:edu or site:gov to your regular Google search. You can also restrict your search to a specific site. For example, if you add site:oregonlive.com to your search, you will get results from the Oregonian's website.
Search Google scholar to find scholarly and peer-reviewed articles.
Check here for instructions on setting scholar preferences, in order to link to full text articles in PCC Library's journal databases.
Article Collections (aka Databases)
- ARTstor This link opens in a new windowBeginning March 25, 2024, ARTstor is being redirected to JSTOR images. The ARTstor platform will be retiring in Summer 2024. JSTOR/ARTstor images include more than 3.5 million images. You must register for a JSTOR account to save any images for future reference and to use JSTOR's presentation tools. To register for a user account, you must either be logged into JSTOR from on campus or through the JSTOR database link on the library website. To stay logged in, select “Keep me Logged In” when registering for an account.
- EBSCOhost This link opens in a new windowSearch from a wide range of research databases for magazine and journal articles. Updated daily. View the EBSCOhost handout
Mobile URL: EBSCOhost Mobile - JSTOR This link opens in a new windowJSTOR has full text of over 1000 scholarly journals in the arts and sciences, as far back as 18xx up to 3-5 years ago. Note: It does not include current issues of the journals. All ARTstor image collections are now part of JSTOR, and can be searched using the "Images" tab then selecting "ARTstor collections".
- Education About Asia: Online ArchivesEducation about Asia features articles on all areas of Asia, with subjects ranging from ancient cultures and literature to current events. Browse and download over 1,500 articles: feature articles, lesson plans, interviews, classroom resources, and book and film reviews.
Featured Titles (ebooks)
Asian Studies Program at PCC
Asian Studies Focus Award
Interested in PCC's Asian Studies Focus Award?
Asia for Educators
Asia for Educators
An initiative of the Weatherhead East Asia Institute at Columbia University, this website includes timelines, primary resources, lesson plans, and more.