Japanese: Japanese Culture

Japanese Culture (In English)

Web Japan: An English language site with lots of content on Japanese culture. 

Easy Japanese: Street interviews about Japanese life and culture in Japanese with subtitles.

NHK World is a fine source for Japanese culture.  The programs are in English, or subtitled, and there are "Easy Japanese" video lessons.  There are also excellent videos of Sumo wrestling tournaments, popular culture and newscasts.

Sumo wrestler

Mythology: Japanese Tales of Purity and Defilement (Movie 32 Min)

Traditional Japanese Music

Traditional Japanese Tattoos

Japanese Dance

Streaming Videos of Japan or in Japanese

The Films on Demand streaming video collection has many films on Japanese History, Culture, and some feature films made in Japan.

See a list of the over 7,500 films in this collection.

Some specific films:

Daily Life for Japanese Teens. Gakusei Seikatsu!


Tokyo-Electric City (26 minutes, 2014) Includes J-Pop music, Yoyogi Park, Japanese Jazz and Japanese Rap.

Tokyo – Night 3 – From the Sublime to the Ridiculous – ElReyalto Travels