WR 121 Spillum Letter Genre: Choosing Your Issue

Assignment and context

Teachers in Portland, Oregon, on strike, November 1, 2023. (PAT)Before starting to write or research, you'll have to choose an issue. This page provides guidance on places to find a possible issue, and ways to take an interest and turn that interest into a researchable question.

See Laurel's check -in assignment below. This document is also linked from your course D2L site:

Ideas for finding issue/topic ideas for letter or op-ed

If you are looking for topics to write your open letter or op-ed about, consider browsing these sources for current issues in the news:

PCC and student issues

Turning an interest into a researchable topic

Brainstorm Keywords for Searching

As you read about your topic, make a note of search terms that will be useful for finding articles on your topic.  When you are searching Google or other search engines, you can use "natural language" searching - just type in your whole question and you may find exactly what you want.  Database searching and advanced Google searching requires more precise use of search terms. 

Watch the 2 minute video from Portland State University below for some useful tips.