AD 102 Journal Review: Citing with APA

Cite Your Sources in APA

Why cite your sources?

When you use someone else's words, ideas, or images in your writing, you need to give them proper credit. Providing a citation or reference enables others to locate these sources, too!  View this sample APA paper to see how citations and formatting are done.

Resources for creating APA-style citations

Free citation creation tool to help you generate APA-style citations:

Do You Need To Cite That?

Flowchart describing the need to cite when using ideas or words from others

How and When to Use In-Text Citations (APA)

Articles from Library Databases Have Pre-Made Citations

Most library databases have built-in citation generators, which allow you to simply click on a "Cite" button to get the citation for that article in various formats. You can usually find this feature on the page for the specific article. Always double-check the citations from citation generators, as these automated tools can occasionally produce errors. 

Here is an example of where to find the citation in Ebscohost databases:

Screenshot showing the location of the Cite button on the right-hand side in EBSCOHost