WR121_Embry_FiveOaks: Home
Information sources to explore local Native American culture and issues for the Five Oaks Museum research assignment
PCC Library Guides about indigenous peoples
Timber industry, Oregon
- International Forest IndustriesSearch within the site for topics such as: climate change; carbon sink; Oregon
- Metro (Oregon)Regional government agency, includes Multnomah and Washington county areas.
--Search: Forestry - Oregon (state government)--Search for topics such as: timber industry
--Links to state-level sources, reports from Oregon governmental entities (agencies, boards, departments)
Video: Find Articles through the PCC Library
Oregon museum and library collections related to Native Americans
- Multnomah Public Library: Staff PicksSearch in: Staff picks: native americans
Library Contacts
Campus Research Help Desks
- Cascade: 971-722-5269
- Rock Creek: 971-722-7239
- Southeast: 971-722-6289
- Sylvania: 971-722-4500
Specialized Google Searches
- Advanced Search, GoogleUse the "Any words" box for types of publications: article report study journal
Find Articles with Google Scholar
Before searching, be sure to set PCC as your library in your browser by:
- Visiting the link to set "Library Links" settings for Google Scholar,
- using the search box to search for "Portland Community College",
- checking the check box that appears underneath the search to select “Portland Community College – Find it @ PCC”,
- and then selecting the Save button.
This will ensure that when you search Google Scholar in your browser, you will see Find It @ PCC links to full text if we have the article (Google Scholar sometimes also provides links to other free sources for full text).
You can learn more about setting Google Scholar preferences on the PCC Library Website.
- Google Scholar This link opens in a new windowGoogle Scholar searches the web for scholarly articles, reports, books, and other materials. If using Google Scholar from a PCC campus, you can access full text articles. If PCC has access to an article, a "Find it @ PCC" link will appear to the right of the search result. Click “Find it @ PCC” to go to the library catalog where you will be offered a choice to view the article. From home, you will need to set your Google Scholar preferences to access PCC Library resources. See How to Search PCC Library on Google Scholar for directions on how to set your Google Scholar preferences at home.