Native American Studies: Podcasts and TED Talks

resources guide for NAS classes

Recommended Podcasts

Podcast series with Rebecca Nagle exploring how a Supreme Court ruling about an Oklahoma murder could determine the fate of five tribes and nearly half the land in the state. Listen here 

Award winning podcast with Andi Murphy.  "I’m talking to Native chefs and foodies about what Indigenous cuisine is, where it comes from, where it’s headed and how it’s used to connect them and their people to their origins and traditions." Listen here.  

Native America Calling logo

Native America Calling is a live call-in program linking public radio stations, the Internet and listeners together in a thought-provoking national conversation about issues specific to Native communities. Listen to recordings of stories

Recommended TED Talks

Changing the way we see Native Americans, with Matika Wilbur.  TEDxTeachersCollege. 20 minutes