ATH 207 Cultural Concepts (Courtis): Fieldwork Methods
Find Books on Fieldwork Methods
Click on these links to find books about general anthropological research methods and specific methods cataloged under these subject headings. You can also search for a specific method in the library catalog to see if there are any books on it. Sometimes it is helpful to add a term like anthropology, ethnology, methods, or techniques to the term if it has uses in multiple fields (like interviews, surveys, etc.).
Selected eBooks on Research Methods
These library eBooks can be accessed from anywhere. Just click on it and you'll be asked to enter your MyPCC username and password.
Finding Background Information on Specific Methods
Search these two databases to get basic and brief information about specific anthropological methods.
- Credo Reference This link opens in a new windowProvides online versions of 500 published reference works, including general and specialized dictionaries and encyclopedias. Try the Concept Map to search for terms and topics that are interconnected and displayed in a visual form.
- Gale Ebooks (formerly GVRL) This link opens in a new windowGale eBooks has over 200 encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. Look here for biology, chemistry, nursing and medicine, sociology, history, education, law, and more.
Finding Articles about Ethnographic Methods
You probably won't find how-to's when you search for articles on specific research methods in these databases, but you will find articles the describe or critique the use of that method.
- JSTOR This link opens in a new windowJSTOR has full text of over 1000 scholarly journals in the arts and sciences, as far back as 18xx up to 3-5 years ago. Note: It does not include current issues of the journals. All ARTstor image collections are now part of JSTOR, and can be searched using the "Images" tab then selecting "ARTstor collections".
- Academic Search Premier This link opens in a new windowFull text for more than 4,500 scholarly social sciences, humanities, general science, education and multi-cultural journals. 3,700 are peer-reviewed.
- Google Scholar This link opens in a new windowGoogle Scholar searches the web for scholarly articles, reports, books, and other materials. If using Google Scholar from a PCC campus, you can access full text articles. If PCC has access to an article, a "Find it @ PCC" link will appear to the right of the search result. Click “Find it @ PCC” to go to the library catalog where you will be offered a choice to view the article. From home, you will need to set your Google Scholar preferences to access PCC Library resources. See How to Search PCC Library on Google Scholar for directions on how to set your Google Scholar preferences at home.