OER - Open Educational Resources: Get help

This guide is designed to help PCC faculty find, create and incorporate open educational resources for classes.

Schedule an OER consultation

Schedule OER office hours with Rachel Bridgewater, OER support librarian. 
These consultations can be in person at Cascade, via phone or Google Hangout.

Rachel can help with questions about finding OER, creating, adapting and sharing OER, copyright questions, funding, and more.

Don't Go it Alone: Library Support for OER Adoption

  • Direct instructors to OER guide
  • Direct instructors to other resources (i.e. webinars, guides, etc.) that will help them formulate an OER strategy
  • Help instructors to discuss and target specific learning objectives when searching for materials
  • Help instructors formulate a search strategy to locate OER (search terms, places to look, etc.)
  • Help instructors fill in gaps- search for materials to support specific learning objectives after instructor has searched
  • Help instructors explore library resources that support learning objectives
  • Provide some basic copyright guidance and/or resources (though not definitive clearance)
  • Brainstorm with instructors regarding other instructional design techniques to facilitate resource gathering/curation (i.e. student-driven)
  • Communicate and work with SACs on the above points
  • Refer instructors to appropriate departments and/or individuals for assistance outside of the scope of library support


Who to contact:
Rachel Bridgewater | rachel.bridgewater@pcc.edu
and/or relevant liaison librarian

Don't Go it Alone: Online Learning Support for OER Adoption

  • An instructor who wants to incorporate OERs within his/her course can access the campus Instructional Technology Specialists (ITS) for help with D2L. ITS can provide faculty training in technology tools useful for creating and editing video, recording lectures, editing /adapting OER files, using and recording web conferencing class sessions, etc.
  • An instructor involved in the development or revision of a WEB course can use OER. Work with your dean to determine if your course should be submitted for revision.
  • The OL department can provide guidance for instructors who want to share online OERs that they have created with other instructors.
  • Refer instructors to appropriate departments and/or individuals for assistance outside of the scope of Online Learning support


Who to contact:
Andy Freed | afreed@pcc.edu (technology & support)
Rondi Schei | rondi.schei@pcc.edu (course design)
and/or campus instructional technology specialist.

Don't Go it Alone: Accessible Ed & Disability Resources Support for OER Adoption

  • Direct instructors to best practices regarding accessibility
  • Help instructors search for, and identify accessible OER
  • Help instructors test OER for usability by having students who experience disability “test drive” and give feedback
  • Provide the technical expertise and labor to convert inaccessible OER to more accessible formats proactively
  • Ensure a variety of formats are available on day one for students who are enrolled in courses using OER. This requires collaboration to ensure AEDR knows when OER are adopted (such as providing information to the bookstore in the form of a tinyurl).
  • Provide captioning for instructor generated multimedia content in courses that embrace the OER initiative
  • Refer instructors to appropriate departments and/or individuals for assistance outside of the scope of what the Accessible Ed and Disability Resources support team can provide.


Who to contact:
Kaela Parks | kaela.parks@pcc.edu